How to Play Valorant on Chromebook?

Valorant is a tactical first-person shooter video game developed and published by Riot Games. It was released for Microsoft Windows in 2020. In the game, players take on the role of agents, each with their own unique abilities, and compete in 5v5 objective-based multiplayer matches. But can you play Valorant on your Chromebook instead of a gaming laptop?

It is not possible to play Valorant on a Chromebook as the game is only available for Microsoft Windows. Chromebooks use a different operating system called Chrome OS, which is not compatible with Valorant or other Windows-based games. If you want to play Valorant on a Chromebook, you would need to use an emulator or a streaming service like Google Stadia, which allows you to play games on a Chromebook by streaming them from the cloud.

Is There Any Way to Play Valorant on Chromebook?

As I mentioned earlier, Valorant is not directly compatible with Chromebooks because it is a Windows-only game. However, there are a few options you can try if you want to play Valorant on a Chromebook:

1. Use an emulator

An emulator is a piece of software that allows you to run Windows programs on a non-Windows operating system, such as Chromebook’s Chrome OS. There are a few different emulators available, such as Wine and CrossOver, that you can use to try and run Valorant on a Chromebook. However, keep in mind that emulators can be complicated to set up and may not always work as expected.

2. Use a streaming service

Google Stadia is a streaming service that allows you to play games on a Chromebook by streaming them from the cloud. While Valorant is not currently available on Stadia, it is possible that it may be added in the future. You can check the Stadia website for a list of available games and see if Valorant is included.

3. Use a virtual machine

A virtual machine allows you to create a virtual environment on your computer that is separate from your main operating system. You can use a virtual machine to install and run Windows on your Chromebook, and then install Valorant on the virtual machine. This can be a more complicated option and may require a more powerful Chromebook to run smoothly.

How to Play Valorant on a School Chromebook?

It is generally not permitted to install or run non-school related software on school-provided Chromebooks, including video games like Valorant. Additionally, many schools have policies in place that prohibit students from using their Chromebooks for anything other than school-related activities during school hours.

If you want to play Valorant on a school Chromebook, you may be able to use a streaming service like Google Stadia if the game is available on the platform and if your school allows the use of streaming services. However, keep in mind that you will need a strong internet connection to use a streaming service and that not all games may be available.

If you are interested in playing Valorant or other video games at school, you may want to speak with your teacher or school administrator to see if there are any approved options or activities available. It is important to always follow your school’s rules and policies when using school-provided technology.

What Multiplayer Games Can We Play on a Chromebook?

There are several multiplayer games that can be played on a Chromebook, either natively through the Chrome browser or through the use of an Android app. Some popular multiplayer games that are available on Chromebooks include:

  1. Minecraft: This popular sandbox game allows players to build and explore virtual worlds with friends. It is available as a native Chrome app or as an Android app.
  2. Roblox: This multiplayer game allows players to create and explore virtual worlds and play games created by other users. It is available as an Android app.
  3. Fortnite: This battle royale game is available as a native Chrome app.
  4. Among Us: This popular party game has players trying to identify and eliminate “imposters” among their group. It is available as an Android app.
  5. Clash of Clans: This strategy game allows players to build and defend a village while attacking other players’ villages. It is available as an Android app.

Why Chromebooks are Weak for Gaming?

Chromebooks are generally not considered to be strong gaming devices, especially compared to laptops or desktop computers that are specifically designed for gaming. There are a few reasons why Chromebooks may be considered weak in gaming:


Chromebooks are designed to be lightweight and portable, which means that they often have less powerful hardware than gaming laptops or desktop computers. This can make it difficult to run resource-intensive games or play at high graphics settings.

Operating system

Chromebooks use the Chrome OS operating system, which is not designed for gaming. As a result, many games that are available on other platforms, such as Windows or Mac, may not be available on Chromebooks.

App availability

While there are a number of games available for Chromebooks, the selection is generally smaller than what is available on other platforms. This can make it harder to find games that you want to play.

Can We Run Valorant on Linux Operating System?

Yes, it is possible to run Valorant on a Linux operating system. Valorant is a Windows-only game, but it is possible to run Windows games on Linux using an emulator or a virtual machine.

An emulator is a piece of software that allows you to run Windows programs on a non-Windows operating system, such as Linux. There are a few different emulators available that can be used to run Valorant on Linux, such as Wine and CrossOver.

A virtual machine is a software program that allows you to create a virtual environment on your computer that is separate from your main operating system. You can use a virtual machine to install and run Windows on your Linux computer, and then install Valorant on the virtual machine.

Keep in mind that using an emulator or a virtual machine to run Valorant on Linux may not always work smoothly and may require some technical knowledge to set up. If you want to play Valorant on Linux and you are not comfortable with using emulators or virtual machines, you may be better off purchasing a Windows laptop or desktop computer.