Before we get to know about the services provided by the Howorth Air Technology.?Let us pay a general look at company?s history and portfolio. At the start of the 1960s, there were many new surgical procedures carried out in the field of medicine. Surgeries for hip replacement were carried out successfully at that time. Consequently, most of these surgeries led to infections in the patients that later caused death.
As a result, Hug Howorth at that time developed an airflow system to filtrate the air that was causing such infections in the patients. Therefore after the introduction of such air cleaning system in the medical field, there was an enormous change in the health of the patients after post surgeries. That system is now known as Howorth Exflow UCV which is a leading ventilation cleaning product. Therefore by the passage of time, Howorth Air technology provided solutions to industrial and pharmaceutical sectors all over the world.
What is Howorth Air Technology?
Howorth Air Technology is the UK based company providing air cleaning solutions for more than 150 years. Howorth has excelled in the field of air engineering to make productive and clean environment free of infections. Hence Howorth?s products and services are being adopted by famous industrial, medical and pharmaceutical firms around the world. The company has a very good reputation for providing high quality and nicely designed products.
Howorth Air Technology Products
Howorth offers a wide range of products in the field of medical, pharmaceutical and industry.Here are some of the well-known products of Howorth Air Technology
Health Care Products
From the 1960?s, the products from Howorth have been serving the medical sector. Some of the reputed Health Care Products are
????????? EXflow UCV Systems
A proven system that filters the micro-organisms present in the air. It offers the best airflow inside the operation theatre. UCV is available on 2 different models. The EXflow UCV provides graded air flow to overcome thermal plumes in the environment.
????????? Turnkey Theatres
Installation of well-designed CCUs, TSSUs, and other specific suites are also provided by Howorth. Along with the installation of new ones, you can also refurbish the old operating rooms within few weeks.
????????? Operation Theatre Equipments
Howorth offers the best quality and wide range of useful equipment related to the operation room.
Containment Systems and Isolators
Expertise in providing clean air to the firms across the world is the reason for success for Howorth. The company has a history of providing premium level containment and infection control system. Wide range of containment products that Howorth offers are
???????? Downflow Booths
For a high level of protection, you need Downflow Booths. Downflow Booths are helpful in powder operations and to take care of fume vapors.
???????? Containment Isolators
Isolators provide full barrier isolation in areas like chemical synthesis, Fluid beds, filter dryers, solids charging, sampling and heel recovery.
???????? Process and Pack off Equipment
Best equipment to avoid any contamination during the processing and packing of material.
????????? Flexible Containment
An alternative to hard walled isolation system, Flexible containment system provides full protection to product and operator.
Aseptic Isolators and Barriers
To assure the health and safety standards in the field of medicine and biotechnology, Howorth provides clients with safe and reliable sterilized environment.In addition, Aseptic barrier and isolation products from Howorth Air technology provide full safety and value ensuring efficiency and increased productivity.
????????? RAB systems
Also known as Restricted Access Barrier systems, these are way more effective than the traditional isolation systems. Furthermore, RAB from Howorth gives you the freedom to install individual modules depending upon your choice.
????????? Aseptic isolators
In a sterile environment, we use Aseptic isolators for manufacturing pharmaceutical products. As we know that people are the major source of contamination, therefore aseptic isolators make sure you get full separation of staff from the test sample.
Finally, these were some of the reputed Howorth Air Technology products. However, the company has many other products besides the one discussed here. Please do not hesitate to leave a comment if you have any question in mind.